garbage collectors

美 [ˈɡɑːrbɪdʒ kəˈlɛktərz]英 [ˈɡɑːbɪdʒ kəˈlɛktəz]
  • n.垃圾清洁工
  • garbage collector的复数
garbage collectorsgarbage collectors

garbage collectors


  • 1
    N-COUNT 垃圾清洁工
    A garbage collector is a person whose job is to take people's garbage away.

  1. At one point , she was buying presents for close to30 people , plus friends , neighbors , even the garbage collectors .


  2. This observation lead to the development of generational garbage collectors .


  3. Garbage collectors are usually run when the available memory drops below a specific threshold .


  4. In Brazil , most people would not deign to be garbage collectors .


  5. Incremental : Incremental garbage collectors do not require a full run through all data objects .


  6. Garbage collectors that group objects that are accessed at the same time together have a positive effect on application performance .


  7. Both garbage collectors are also written in C ( though the amount of code they consume is small ) .


  8. Conservative : Conservative garbage collectors do not need to know anything about the structure of your data to manage memory .


  9. To begin tracing through live objects , garbage collectors start from a set of initial objects obtained from roots .


  10. Of course , there are no perfect garbage collectors , but garbage collectors have improved significantly over the past ten years .


  11. Eighty-five garbage collectors have gone on a wild cat strike , but the union is going to stop it .


  12. Verve uses verified garbage collectors that are stop-the-world and keeps interrupts disabled throughout the collection .


  13. Pretty much any occupation that serves a basic function - like garbage collectors , clergymen and bureaucrats - will likely never go away .


  14. On the other hand , traditional garbage collectors can introduce long delays at times that are virtually impossible for the application programmer to predict .


  15. None of the standard garbage collectors in the JDK uses reference counting ; instead , they all use some form of tracing collector .


  16. Unfortunately , garbage collectors are extremely hard to implement correctly , and their interactions with mutators are often complex and error-prone .


  17. Because real-time garbage collectors control the length of GC pauses , increasing the heap size lowers the GC frequency without making individual pause times longer .


  18. The complexity of the JVM-especially garbage collectors , memory layout and Hotspot make it difficult to provide a general solution for transparent class bytecode replacement .


  19. Alternative approaches , such as RT garbage collectors , reduce the need to use scopes , but it 's likely that scopes will still be necessary in some applications .


  20. Logistics-related vehicles include oil tank trucks , cement tank trucks , garbage collectors , trucks with detachable decks , car carriers , water sprinklers etc.


  21. Given that garbage collectors are one of the areas where the throughput / low latency trade-off is most visible , G1 should offer significant benefits to Java Enterprise developers .


  22. Since WinRT is built on top of COM you have the same problems with the dichotomy between reference counting and mark-and-sweep garbage collectors .


  23. In the Mediterranean port city of Marseille , strikes by garbage collectors have led to small hills of rubbish rotting on the sidewalks .


  24. Garbage-collected languages such as Java and C # are now increasingly prevalent . However , the performance of traditional garbage collectors is suffering more and more degradations .


  25. The RTSJ was designed before RT garbage collectors such as Metronome were available and contains alternative means to achieve predictable , low-latency performance from a Java runtime .


  26. Generational garbage collectors offer relatively short average GC pauses , but the cost of old-space collections can cause the standard deviation of these pause times to be quite large .


  27. El-Rab says the people here are the poorest in Cairo . " We are the garbage collectors ," he says ," but we live on a mountain of faith . "


  28. Tracing garbage collectors , such as copying , mark-sweep , and mark-compact , all start scanning from the root set , traversing references between objects , until all live objects have been visited .
